Monday, December 12, 2011

Brighten someone's Christmas!

Hello :) I hope everyone is enjoying these last couple of days before Christmas! I know it's a frantic time for last minute gift shopping, decorating, cooking, preparing for visitors etc.

My siblings and I went & enjoyed the Clayton Christmas Parade downtown this past Saturday! Great time for all of us! I got to use a few of my photography skills, make memories with the kids & see a bunch of smiling faces!

Photo collage from the Parade:

To the point of this post:

I have a friend who's boyfriend works in a home specifically for young adults who are severely disabled. She came to me and asked if I would help make Christmas cards that we would hand deliver to them ourselves. This delighted me for two reasons: 1. I'm a sucker for anything crafty & 2. I would do ANYTHING to help bring joy to someone who needs it, especially at Christmas time.

She gave us a small list of names of the kids who are getting the cards -- so we got to work! I even let my siblings join in and make a few themselves. It brought us all together -- while doing something fun and cheap, & THAT is not easy to come by these days! The fact that my siblings were so eager to help after they found out who the cards were for almost brought tears to my eyes! In the end, we ended up making way too many :) I guess that's what happens when you're having fun!

It turns out Christmas cards are very easy to make & I think I will incorporate this into every Holiday Season as a "family tradition" from now on! There are plenty of homes, hospitals, etc. to spread Christmas love to so I encourage everyone to do this little project. It's cheap, easy & very fun. & in our case, if you make too many, you can keep them for Christmas home decor. I plan to put the left overs into frames to hang up every Holiday season!


1. Christmas colored construction paper
2. Scissors, glue, Christmas stencils
3. Christmas scrapbook decor
4. Glitter Glue
5. Pipe Cleaners
6. Googly Eyes

Most everything can be found at your local dollar store. & scrapbook decor is very cheap at your local craft store! You don't have to use the supplies listed here -- you can go browsing and find things you like. Let your mind get creative! :)

Here are some of the cards that I made! I thought of "Christmas-y" things, drew and cut them out and decorated as I saw fit!

I really do encourage all of you to do something similar to this with your family, significant others or even by yourself! It will make you feel good as well as others and that, my friends, is what CHRISTmas is all about :)

xoxo, Tiffany

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